Recruiter Careers at IT Network

IT Network’s recruiters are some of the best in the industry. Our strategy with our recruiters is to provide them with the tools, contacts, and direction they need while allowing enough flexibility to be independent. Variety and independence are probably the two biggest benefits of going to work for a small to mid-sized staffing shop.

Unlike some larger firms, our firm doesn’t pidgeonhole recruiters into recruiting for for the same positions over and over again. In our fourteen years of experience in the recruiting game, we’ve found that variety is better than repitition and reduces turn-around.

Our recruiters, along with our contractors, are the foundation of our business. We want to keep them happy.

If you’re interested in open recruitment positions at IT Network, send us an email at or give us a call at (425) 497-8800. One of our representatives will reply to your inquiry in a timely manner. We’re always happy to speak with bright technical recruiters.